We are professionals with decades of experience in subsurface utility location and its supporting technologies.

Who are we?

Our NULCA-certified utility locating training and ground penetrating radar programs have been carefully designed to provide current and/or prospective utility locators with the knowledge and hands-on experience necessary to excel in the subsurface utility engineering field.

These programs are compliant with both the CGA and NULCA standards and have been verified by NSF-ISR for meeting the verification. It is also in compliance with the Utility Engineering & Survey Institute (UESI) guidelines for the position of Designating Technician in Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE).  This is the beginning level of Utility Designator in Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE Technician).

We want our students to see utility location as a career path to SUE, land surveying, GIS, and engineering.

Utility Locating Training Program

  • Introduction to Utility Locating

  • Completing a Circuit

  • Signal - Electromagnetic Frequency

  • Frequencies

  • Transmitters

  • Receivers

  • Signal Strength

  • Distorted Fields

  • Excavator and Customer Relations

Our underground utility locator training course covers the following topics:

  • Peak/Null Modes

  • Induction Locating

  • Passive Locating

  • Depth Readings

  • Complications

  • Utility Industry Primer

  • Utility Connections

  • Proper Procedures

  • Locating Pipelines

  • Utility Prints/Facility Records

  • Plan Reading

  • Passive Locating

  • Visual Observation Skills

  • One-Call System Primer

  • Safe Work Practices

  • Manholes and Confined Space Entry

  • Traffic Safety

  • CGA Best Practices/ASCE 38-22 Quality Levels

Ground Penetrating Radar Training Program

  • Basic GPR Theory

    • GPR Configurations

    • Cone of Transmission/Reflectors

    • Range Vs. Resolution

    • Relative Dielectric Permittivity

    • Soil Conditions

    • Environmental Factors

    • Terminology

    • Hyperbolas

    • Different Utility Resources

    • GPR Orientation

    • Metallic/Non-Metallic/Air-Filled Metallic Targets

Our ground penetrating radar training course covers the following topics:

  • Data Collection Parameters

    • Trace

    • Analog to Digital

    • Time Window

    • Spot Locating Vs. Grids

    • Parallel & Perpendicular Scans

    • Manufacturer’s Recommendations

  • Interpretation

    • Utility Identification

    • Visual Field Information

    • Identifying Utility Features

    • Filters

    • Hyperbola Fitting

    • Use of Grids and 3D Data

  • Marking Procedures in the Field

    • Manipulation of GPR for Sweeping

    • Determination of Potential Utility and Type of Utility

    • Appropriate Markings for Interpreted Utility

Meet the Team

  • David E. Woolley


    David E. Woolley is a distinguished land surveyor known for his expertise and commitment to the highest standards of precision. Driven by a strong passion for safety and professional development, David founded Lux Subterra to enhance growth within the utility locating industry. He recognized the critical importance of accurate utility locating and took the initiative to develop a NULCA-certified program that prioritizes both safety and certification. His dedication to integrating safety protocols and fostering a culture of excellence underscores his belief that effective training is key to preventing accidents and ensuring successful project outcomes.

    His dedication to advancing the field is evident in the comprehensive training program he has developed, which reflect both his professional expertise and his unwavering commitment to the well-being of his team and the community.

  • Jeff Ambrose Mitchell


    Jeff Ambrose Mitchell brings with him over 30 years of expertise in Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) and One-Call Locating, complemented by more than 14 years specializing in Ground Penetrating Radar. His extensive experience provides invaluable insights in the utility locating industry.


    -Developer of Utility Locating course and student manual by Lux Subterra.

    -Author of many utility locating publications. Link: https://a.co/d/7jC6oiF and https://a.co/d/fHGeAZL.

    -Involved in over 700 Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) in various states including California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, etc.

    -Developed in-house SUE designating program for the United States Department of Transportation in 2022.

    -Developed a 23-module eLearning program for SUE designators including modules on underground circuits, signal strength readings, frequency selection, induction current, etc.